Portuguese Pedrês Hen

Portuguese Pedrês Hen

Gallus gallus domesticus


Plumage with mottled appearance, dark grey tint on white background. Strong, broad head of medium length. Neck slightly arched, well proportioned and with abundant plumage that falls over the shoulders. Trunk of medium width, cylindrical and slightly tilted back. Wings of medium size, well attached to the body. Scaly tarsi, moderately thick, devoid of feathers. Fingers number four, straight, thin, of medium length.

Hens of smaller size and correspondingly less weight.


Social Life






21 Days

Nº Offspring

Sexual Maturity

Distribution (Breed Region)


Os Bungalows/Pod’s de madeira existentes no PBV e em pleno Parque Natural de Montesinho são encantadoras casas de madeira individuais, havendo em diferentes tipologias, nomeadamente T0, T1, T2, T3 e T4.

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